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The Verdant Leaf Green Vase is an exquisite representation of natural beauty and artful craftsmanship. With its broad, bulbous base and tapering neck, this vase stands as a testament to refined elegance. The rich green hue echoes the vitality of a lush forest, while the distinctive leaf-like ribbing adds a layer of intricate texture. At an approachable size, it is perfect for cradling bouquets or standing proud as a solo piece, infusing your space with the serenity of nature.
Flower vase or decorative vase in green with leaf motif made of transparent glass. Size of 16 cm. This beautiful vase is ideal for (dried) flowers, bouquets and branches, but also very suitable as a decorative object for indoor use. The mouth of the vase is approx. 4 cm.
The longevity of your flowers depends on the type of flower and the care you provide. Generally, with proper care, most flowers can last 5 – 7 days. We’ll provide care instructions with every bouquet to help you keep them fresh for as long as possible.
Keep them in a cool place, away from direct sunlight. Change the water every 2 days and trim the stems at an angle. Avoid placing them near ripening fruits as they release ethylene gas, which can reduce the flowers’ lifespan.
Keep your sunflowers vibrant longer with our care tips here.
We’ll do our best to leave the flowers with a neighbor and will leave a note for the recipient. If that’s not possible, we’ll bring the bouquet back to our shop for collection. Please refer to our delivery policy for more details.